Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy Mother's Month

This upcoming Mother's Day will mark 100 years of officially celebrating mothers!  So on the blog I'm declaring every day to be Mother's Day.. In fact, let's just call it Mother's Month!  

I'm usually excited about the month of May because of my wedding anniversary, Mother's Day, and the school year is coming to an end!  Right now I'm feeling all kinds of emotions because this will be the first Mother's Day without my beautiful mama :..(  She was and is my biggest inspiration in life.  She's actually all of my siblings biggest inspiration.  One evening we were all sitting in her hospital room reminiscing (we found out that day cancer had spread to her brain).  After a while, my brother said 'I don't know what ya'll think but mama is perfect to me'!  I asked him the other day what he really meant, he firmly said 'she was perfect'!  Of course she was not perfect but she did her absolute best to raise us well.  She passed on to us values money cannot buy!  Her impact on my life is a reminder for me of how important the role of mother is to children.

When my mom passed my whole perspective on life changed.  The legacy she left for me made me examine and reevaluate my life to make sure I was living the values I want to pass to my sons, god-kids, nieces and nephews.  Her death reminded me that my days are numbered and there is no guaranteed length of time I'll be here.  I want to leave a lasting impression just like she left for my family.  

Love this pic of my mom.. it shows so much of her character:
Such a lady (always had those legs crossed & carried herself like a lady)
Joyful (kept a smile on her face, that's why we call her Merry Mary!)
Praiser (no matter the situation or circumstance she praised God!)

If you only had two months to live, how would you be as a mother?  What legacy would you want to leave for your children?  Would you change anything you're currently doing?  If so, start that change now.  When we know better, we do better!  

As mothers we need to do our very best because anything less is just simply unacceptable.  There will be days when our very best looks like failure and that's okay.  It actually help our children when they see how we handle failure.  We just need to keep in mind our purpose and forget about perfection.  

Our last Mother's Day together {2013}

As you can see from the card above my brother and I were in competition about being the favorite child!

To help celebrate the mothers in your lives (and yourself), this month I will post Mother's Day get together ideas (I am a wannabe party planner!).  I would love to hear your ideas on celebrating the mothers in your lives!  Also, my Women Winning Wednesday posts will focus on topics that will assist mothers and women in general (you don't want to miss next Wednesday's post about resiliency!).  In the meantime, think about the legacy you want to leave and start living it!

Seasoned with Grace,
