Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fall - Another New Beginning!

Peace Summer & Hello Fall!!

Hello Fall  & Hello Ya'll!!

It has been too long since I've posted!  Life has had me feeling some type of way but thankfully I've gotten out of my feelings and back into the fact that God is sovereign and causes all things to work together for my good and His glory!!  Maybe, I'll talk about all of the craziness another time!  

Anyway today is the official first day of Autumn (insert happy face emoji:)!  You will probably read a lot of posts today from people saying how much they love fall because of the cooler weather, stylish clothes (that's me), pumpkin everything, and the list goes on and on!!  I really enjoy fall for most of these reasons too however, my main reason is similar to why I love spring!  Both of these seasons represent new beginnings to me!  Spring brings for new life, fall brings death yet they both bring beauty!  Both are a reflection of how awesome God is!!  

As this season approached I've been reflecting as I usually do during this time of year.  I decided to research this season..  I came across this great article about why leaves really fall here and gleaned quite a bit from this article that can be applied to letting go in life!    

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven   -Ecclesiastes 3:1

Just Let Go!
When we think about letting go we often think of negative things like bad habits, attitudes, behaviors, or even relationships.  It's not always negative things that we need to release which makes letting go even more difficult!  It can be more difficult to let go of those seemingly great things in our lives.  You might have a great career right now with a fabulous company but it's not fulfilling or what you're called to do.  Imagine being in that situation and contemplating letting go!  Or you might be like me and have an adult child (or children) that you need to let go to allow him to live his life.  If trees do release its leaves, during spring it will die.  Not letting go can be deadly!  Although we may not die physically, death will occur in areas of our lives.   Like the trees, it is purposeful and necessary to release in the right season.

You're Not Losing, You're Gaining!
During a season of things or people 'falling away' it can be hard to trust God but we have to remember this season is preparation for a new beginning.  When we let go we are only making room for growth in our lives!  We are allowing God to do a new thing in us and through us.  So stop holding on, just release it, him, her, or whatever and trust that God has something better in store for you.

I encourage you to spend this season reflecting. letting go and preparing for change.  Trust God through it all!

Seasoned with Grace,