Saturday, September 20, 2014

You Are Beautiful

My niece!

A few days ago I took my niece some nerd glasses (she loves them) and I wanted her to take a picture in the pink pair.  She normally is like a supermodel, seriously!  She will give you life with her poses lol!  But that day she wasn't the same.  It really bothered me!  She just started high school this year so I wondered if she was adjusting well... I wondered if she was being picked on or if kids were bothering her in school.  Now I am known to overthink and make things up in my mind! It simply could've been that she wasn't in the mood to take a picture but that encounter inspired this blogpost (I'm going to share with her today).

But what really makes us beautiful?  Yes, we were created that way but how can we cultivate that beauty?  I'm going to share these three things with my niece today - Be yourself (who God called you to be); Do not compare yourself; Be confident!  I want every little girl around the world (including the little girls inside of us women) to know You Are Beautiful- just the way you are!  You are a masterpiece!  You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:4).  

You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way.  

(Song of Solomon 4:7)

BeYOUtiful!  Being who you are is the most beautiful thing you can do.  It is a challenge to be who you are when you want to just fit in and not stand out but God made you different (and all of us different) on purpose.  

You Are Unique, She is Unique!  Be you without comparing yourself to others.  Everyone you come in contact with is special.  When you accept your uniqueness as well as the uniqueness of others you will see the beauty in you and in them.  

Hold your head high and let your light shine!  Don't ever dull your light.  People might say 'who does she think she is' or 'she is a show off' or whatever but you keep shining!  You will come in contact with people who can't handle your light but that's okay, confidently move on!


A message to all mothers figures

When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. - Prov. 31:26 (NLT)

Speak Life!  We have to be careful with our words.  Whether you are a mother, aunt, grandmother, godmother, teacher or influence young ladies in any type of way speak life when you interact with them.. Even if they are a little hellish!  I remember it was a teacher (Ms. Jill Johnson if you know her let me know) that gave me a huge confidence boost.  We know the tongue is powerful and once you put something out there you can't take it back.  Speak to beauty within her.  Be to her what you needed when you were her age.  Let her know with your words and in your deeds that she is altogether beautiful.

"We let our kids be anything but themselves"

Let her be her own kind of beautiful!  Of course we are to help them make good choices and guide them but we shouldn't try to mold them into us or what we think they should be like.  Accept that she is unique and build her confidence to accept it as well.


Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes.  You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. - 1 Peter 3:3,4 (NLT)

It is what is inside of you that makes you beautiful!  We all like to look good and be well kept but it doesn't matter if you have the latest wardrobe, hairstyle, or are wearing makeup.  That stuff is temporary, it changes and fades away but true beauty that comes from within never fades!  

I hope you all share this with the little girl(s) in your life.  Have a fabulous weekend! #SpeakLifeSaturday

Seasoned with Grace,

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What's REALLY Holding You Back?

So what's really holding you back?  What is stopping you from following through with your dreams? What is stopping you from becoming the person you want to be?  What is stopping you from living your best life?  Is it negative or overthinking, false beliefs, excuses, and/or bad habits?

I can almost guarantee you that what is holding you (us) back is a made up thought!  You know.. False Evidence Appearing Real!!  It's not real but you've made it real in your mind.  You made it so real that it has paralyzed you from moving forward!    

I challenge you to let it go.  Let go of the those negative thoughts that you cannot change or that you cannot accomplish what you want to accomplish.  You don't have to be the same person you were on yesterday!  Just because you have always yelled at your spouse or your kids doesn't mean you have to continue to do so.  Behaviors can change.  Thoughts can change.  Dreams can come true.  It is up to you to believe this to be true!

It doesn't matter if the change you want to make is ordinary or extraordinary.  If you do not challenge the thought that says you cannot do it, you will not change.

Are you ready to confront what you think is holding you back?  Are you ready to challenge those negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts?  Remember, greater is HE that is within you! No one can hold you back.  You can change.  You can accomplish your dreams.  Let's get it!!

Seasoned with Grace,


Monday, September 8, 2014

Are You Ready to Lose Your Excuses?!

Okay, I don't literally make that face (I hope) but in my mind that's my expression.  Am I judging or criticizing the person making the excuses?  I don't think so.  I just remember when I was in her shoes making some of the same excuses.  But when I was ready to make a change nothing and I mean absolutely nothing *including my excuses* could stop me.  What I really want to do when I hear excuses is interrupt and say 'let me know when you're really ready to live a healthy lifestyle' but I don't.  I listen then give tips.

Today I'm going to share some Purposeful tips for the most used reason people give for not living a healthy lifestyle ~ TIME!

The lack of time is the most common reason I hear from people about not being able to exercise and/or eat healthy consistently.  Let me just start by saying when my office closed back in December I thought about all the stuff I could accomplish with ease while I take time off.  One of those things was the common task of laundry.  Let me tell ya'll...  I give laundry almost the exact time I used to give it when I was working!!  You know why?  I have not made it a priority.  This is what most people do with making healthier choices.  They do it when it's convenient or when they can 'get' to it or when it becomes absolutely necessary.  That's why the need to prioritize is my first tip!

  • Prioritize: The truth is we make time for what we want to do.  If you really want to live a healthy lifestyle you will make time for it, you will make it a priority.  If you  have time for a t.v. show you have time to workout.  Review your schedule to figure out what time/days works best then plan accordingly.

  • Plan: Living a healthy lifestyle won't just happen.  Plan your workouts as well as your meals.  If you know you only have a 30 minute or an hour gap for a workout, plan to utilize and maximize that time.  Once you start this, it becomes a habit.  

  • Partner: Now if you do not have a workout partner don't use this as a reason to not workout!  Even if you can't workout with someone, get an accountability partner.  Share your goals with a family member or friend who will help hold you accountable (i.e. won't agree with your excuses, will push & motivate you and will be direct with you).  Remember iron sharpens iron!

  • Perseverance: You will not lose weight overnight.  In fact, it might take a while to see results so perseverance is necessary.  Don't allow anything or anyone stop you.  Keep going no matter what.  One day you will catch a glimpse of your new self and smile at your progress!  It might be that you notice you're able to take flights of stairs without being winded or that your clothes are too big!  The only way you will see results is to persevere and keep going. 

My son and I saw results once we got passed our excuses!

So what's your excuse for not making healthier choices?  I challenge you to write it down then write your solutions to get passed your excuse.

Now is the time!

Seasoned with Grace,
