But You Have to GO GET IT!
It's June and it's time to 'Go Get It'!! By now, we should all have defined or have some idea of what our 'IT' is! If you read my Write the Vision post, you know I believe having a vision is important. It's equally important for us to review how we're doing based on that vision and our purpose. I like to review my progress every quarter! June is perfect because it's not only the month that completes the 2nd quarter but it's also the last month in the first half of the year.
We need to Go Hard this month on our goals and Go Get It! That's the theme for the blog this month, Go Get IT! It's time to stop half stepping, time out for doubting, time out for walking in fear, time out for not saying and going after what we really want! It's time to Go Get what we really want! You know, taking that leap of faith with your entrepreneurship goals, opening your business, writing that book, going back to school, getting healthy, changing your life, doing more for yourself, ________________ (you fill in the blank) yes, that IT that you really want to do!
Don't minimize your IT! Decide what IT is and go get IT!
This is all about evaluating our progress. Looking at the goals that you've set, have you made the progress you expected to make at this point? What is going well? Is there anything you've checked off as being achieved (if so, celebrate that)? What about challenges and lessons that were learned? Have you loss steam or motivation for some of your goals?
One of my goals that I'm not progressing as well with is to finish drafting this children's book that I'm writing. Back in March I extended the timeline I set for myself to this month. I have not focused on this the way I should so this is one of my goals that I am going to go harder with! What about you?
Does your goals still fit? Do you need modify any of them? Are your goals effective? Are your goals realistic? Are you trying hard enough? Are you focusing on the right goals? How will you remain motivated and focused?
Goals can change. Don't continue to go after something that just doesn't matter any more or fits within your purpose for the sake of completing it. Move on, be purpose driven! If your goals are too small, step outside of your comfort zone. We never know what we can achieve if we don't try!
Are you out of your comfort zone?
Le'ts Go Get It! 'So I run with purpose every step..' -1 Cor. 9:26 (NLT). Whether you're failing or succeeding so far, run! Go after your dreams and your desires. But let's make sure we're doing it with intention and purpose! Let's make sure who we are and what we're doing is getting us closer to our own dream.
Here's to all of us being in the DID category!
Seasoned with Grace,
Love it
ReplyDeleteThank you sis!!