Friday, June 13, 2014

G.E.T. I.T.

Goals Executed Timely -  Intentional Transformation - GET IT!

I've recently been attending a local gym called Crome (Challenging Results-Oriented Measured Exercise).  To sum it up the gym facilitates 30 minute personal group training sessions with different workouts.  I had an epiphany about goals a few weeks ago after one of the workouts!

The workout for the beginner level (yep, that was me that day) was to complete 240 squats, 160 push-ups and 80 pull-ups within 30 minutes.  Going into it I thought to myself, how am I going to do all of this in 30 minutes?  I even had the thought that maybe I couldn't complete it all.  But guess what?  I was able to complete it all with time to spare by breaking down those reps.

Squats are easy for me so I set in my mind to complete at least 75 at a time before breaking for a few seconds.  Pull ups on the other hand are difficult for me!  I had to adjust my goal for those a few times!  I initially wanted to do at least 20 regular pull-ups before modifying them but I realized if I kept that goal I would not have completed the entire workout.  So I moved on to the modified version.  After about 30 pull-ups I could no longer do 10 at a time so I modified that goal and aimed for five pull-ups at a time.  The last set of exercises for me were the pushups and there was plenty of time left to complete those!  I actually found myself not going as hard as a result so I had to push myself harder!  If I did not have low expectations of myself I could have challenged myself and completed the middle level!

Okay, so you completed a hard workout, what's the point Alzadia?  Right now our dreams seem so big that it can feel overwhelming to the point of feeling defeated before we even get started!  But the fact of the matter is we can do it.  We just have to be intentional about everything we do!  We have to always examine our actions and ask ourselves if what we're doing and/or the decisions we're making helping us become the person we're meant to be and if its helping us fulfill our purpose.

So my epiphany was with goals and intentional living our purpose can be fulfilled and our dreams can be realized.  I started to think about other programs I've used like the Couch to 5K app to help me start running and the Gipis app that helped me train for the marathon.  Both of these tools also had clear goals for me to accomplish what I wanted.  So here are some of my thoughts about us going after our dreams by setting goals then making it happen!

Set Goals and Demolish Them!
"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible"  We've probably seen it a thousand times - make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based)!  We've seen it so much because it actually works if applied!  What do you want- exactly; how are you going to measure what you're doing to make sure you're making progress; is the goals something that you can actually do; is your goal too far fetched (i.e. lose 50lbs in a month) or is it something that can be achieved if you work hard; have you set a timeframe to accomplish this goal and is it enough time?  But with your goals remember 'if the plan doesn't work, change the plan but never the goal'!  Don't give up so easily, modify if necessary but never give up!

Do Your Best.. Forget the Rest (as Tony Horton says)
Don't compare what or how you're doing with what or how others are doing!  We all have a purpose in life that is unique to us!  We all have different strengths, we're all on different levels so watching others and taking note of how much they've accomplished is a waste of time!  Do you and do you well!

Let Your Actions Do the Talking
We don't have to announce to the world every time we're aiming to achieve something!  Sure it's fine to tell a close friend to help you stay accountable but there is no need to tell everyone.  We tell people by doing!  Our actions speaks much louder than words!

Get a Mentor or Coach
I need to get a mentor!  I think we all do!  Just as trainers in the gym assist you along the way (with your form, pushing you, etc..), mentors also do that.  We can learn so much from others if we're open to it.

Start Where You Are and Start Now
None of this will work if we do not start!  The only perfect time to start is NOW.  Do research, ask questions, find a mentor, whatever it is we need to do to start - just do it!

Now let's - Goals Executed Timely -  Intentional Transformation! Let's execute our goals!  Let's make sure the way we live match our goals!  Let's live intentional, purpose-driven lives!  
G.E.T. I.T.

Seasoned with Grace,


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