Saturday, October 11, 2014

Be Faithful

"God has not called me to be SUCCESSFUL.  He called me to be FAITHFUL." 

- Mother Teresa

Happy SpeakLifeSaturday!!

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word faithful or faithfulness?  Your first thought might be marriage and how couples need to be faithful (and yes all couples need to be faithful).  But what about being faithful to God and your purpose?  You would think it'd be easy since He is so faithful to us!

I was looking at my vision for 2014 (here) and really examining those important 'BE' areas I needed to focus on and BE FAITHFUL was glaring back at me.  I started to examine how faithful have I been to God, to walking in purpose, etc, and came to the conclusion that I need to continue to work on this area!  As I encourage myself to be faithful, I also want to encourage you!

Be Faithful in the LITTLE things!

Don't despise small beginnings!  It's great to dream big however don't let those big dreams cripple you. Don't think because you don't have big resources, a huge platform, or whatever it is you think you are lacking that you can't make a difference or walk in purpose.  God can use you where you are with what you have!  We don't want to be like the servant who buried his treasures.  One of my favorite quotes by Arthur Ashe is, "Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can' and is one I used to always use during my weight loss journey.  If we are not faithful with where we are now, we can't be trusted to be faithful with more.  Stop saying you're 'just a mother' or 'just a small business owner' or 'just a servant'!  Do great in what you think is little and be faithful.

Be Faithful Even When It's Hard 

We have to remember that faithfulness is a fruit of the spirit!  Are you producing faith during difficult times or are you producing doubt?  Do you stop doing things when it becomes too challenging or when you don't see results?  If so, work on that.  Difficult times help to build our muscles and grow our faith!  Don't bail out when things get tough or when you don't see the results you want (success, money, status, power, platform, great kids, great marriage...).  It is in the difficult times that we need to challenge ourselves to keep going.  Being faithful requires perseverance and total commitment.  When it gets hard, count it all joy and remain faithful.  Remember, we walk by faith and not by sight!

Be Faithful Through The Glitter

We all know that everything that glitters is not gold!  Every great opportunity is not attached to your purpose.  Keep your eyes on the prize and make decisions that will not move you off course.  We are so used to things happening right now that we often miss out on our blessing and being a blessing.  Being faithful means being loyal.  Don't turn your back on God and what He wants to do in your life for what you want right now.

"The master was full of praise.  'Well done, my good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you more responsibilities.  Let's celebrate together.' 
- Matthew 25:21

Mother Teresa had it exactly right because it's directly from the Bible!  God has called us to be faithful. For example, I believe we wouldn't have so much crime if mothers and fathers were faithful to their call as parents.  So let us be faithful where we are and with what we have! 

Enjoy your Saturday!

Seasoned with Grace,


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