Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Strengthen Your Core

A lot of people immediately associate core strength with abs however core strength is so much more than that!  Our core is made up of 29 muscles!!  A strong core can help us with everyday activities and protect us from injuries.  Fitness experts say our arms, legs, and head all rely on our core for support and balance which is why most believe these muscles are probably the most important muscle group in our bodies! (source)  

I started researching this topic last week after doing L-sits (which I have to modify) during a workout at my gym.  I thought to myself I am not good with any core exercises!  I mean, I literally struggle with any core exercise...  I thought about the 'rock and roll squat' exercise in one of Jillian Michaels DVDs that I could not get (SN: I tried to do a couple while writing this and could only do one without almost falling)!!  While doing this research I've found that building a strong core is important for everyone, not just for those who workout.  Simply put, everything we do- sitting, standing, tying our shoes and more activates our core!  We should all aim to strengthen our core.

There are many exercises that can be performed daily to build our core.  We have to think beyond crunches which really is not a core building exercise!  A good area to start on is your posture.  If you don't already, always hold your stomach in!  This is actually something I think all women learn at an early age but doing this actually helps our posture and strengthen our core.  Planks, hollow holds, and supermans (as pictured above) are all great core strengthening exercises that can be performed daily.  You can probably tell from my form how much I struggle with these!  In addition to these, push-ups, bridges, & v-ups are also great exercises that strengthen our core.  Consistently performing these exercises will work our entire core and will lead to a strong core.  Having a strong core will help prevent injuries when we perform other exercises like running as it will act as a shock absorber (source)!

"The Central Most Important Part of Something"

First natural then spiritual (in my Bishop's voice)!  As you strengthen the core of your body also strengthen the core of your faith. If you exercise often you know to always stay aware of your core because it helps your form.  It is the same spiritually!  Engage your core by praying, reading the Bible, spending quiet time with God!  As we strengthen our physical core we have better stability when performing exercises and as we strengthen our spiritual core, we'll have greater stability in life; allowing us not to be blown around with every wind!!  


Seasoned with Grace,


Monday, February 9, 2015

Mess Up or Miss Out

Happy Monday!!

Are you messing up in life or are you missing out on life?  If you're afraid of messing up chances are you are in the' missing out on life' category.  I've shared a little with you all here about my battle with being a perfectionist.  I know firsthand that wanting to to do things 'just right' is a blessing blocker and a growth stopper that can cause you to miss out on living life to the fullest.

"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. -George Bernard Shaw

It is impossible to live life and not mess up!  Mistakes are proof that you are taking action towards God's plan for your life.  Messing up is proof that you are stepping outside of your comfort zone and pushing your own limits.  What is even better mistakes, messing up, failures are all opportunities to grow!  They are opportunities to grow strong in your faith in God and not yourself!  Don't be afraid of falling, embarrassing yourself, looking like an idiot, or getting uncomfortable because greater is HE that is within you.

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. - Romans 8:37

God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7)!  Not wanting to mess up is a real fear for a lot of us but we have to remember what God put inside of us.  So get out there and mess up... YES, go mess up!  This week, go outside of your comfort zone, try something new or do something you've been wanting to do!  Even if you do fall flat on your face, that fall does not define you!  Learn from it and move on!


Seasoned with Grace,


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Fitness Essentials

Most of the tools I still use!

There are SO many fitness products out there that can potentially help us on our fitness journey!  Quite a few products and tools do actually support our journey and of course there are others that are gimmicks.  While I don't consider myself a product junky I have tried quite a few fitness tools!  I don't workout at as much at home like I used to do, so some of my tools are just collecting dust:)

Before I go into what I use and what I've sat on the bench let me just remind you that there is no one size fits all when it comes to fitness!!  For example, some say track all of your food, some say weigh all of your food, while others say don't eat carbs!  Some people only do cardio, others do a combination, etc..  It's important that you do what works for you!

What I'm Not Using

X'd out items

If I would've written this post just a year ago my top fitness tools would've been my polar FT4 watch and myfitnesspal!  Today, I don't use either of those tools.  It's not that tracking calories doesn't work- it definitely works and it helped me lose a lot of weight however, it's just not my focus right now!  My polar watch became a hindrance further along during my journey!  If I didn't have it on during a workout I felt like the workout was a waste of time!!  I mean how silly is that?!  I had already stopped using myfitnesspal so it made since to take a break from my beloved watch lol!  I won't say I'll never use these tools again but right now I don't really care about calories, I care about the chemicals I'm putting into my body!

Another fitness tool I've used that I no longer use is the popular waste trainer!  To be honest I've only used it a handful of times because I always forgot to put it on before my workout!  Which means I can't say whether it was effective or not.  The same goes for those arm wraps pictured!  But when I put them on just to take this photo my arms were sweating so I might start using those (if I can remember lol)!  I have a whole set of resistance bands that I no longer use.. These were required when I was doing Body Revolution but now they're collecting dust!!  Just like the band I'm wearing around my feet in the picture!  I think I used that twice which is about the same amount of times that I've used that ab roller!!

What I'm Using

Fitness essentials for my pull-up & tricep goals!

Even though I'm all about that gym life instead of that home-workout life lol I still workout at home to help me towards my fitness goals!  The very top picture shows most of the tools I use (I forgot to include my medicine ball, bar, & my DVDs).  The tools I use the most at home is my jump rope, pull-up bar, Lebert bars (that I got for Christmas:), & my running shoes!  Out of those items I just mentioned the only true fitness essential in my opinion is running shoes!  If you have have a desire and are willing to do what it takes to live a fit and healthy lifestyle all you need is a good pair of shoes!  You can use your body weight to increase muscles (& we'll talk more about that soon)!

My sore life fitness essentials!

Whether you workout at home or at the gym, if you're going hard you are going to get sore!!  Most of the time I just suck it up and deal with the soreness but there are times I need help so I keep the items pictured above for those times!  I do the best that I can to prevent or minimize soreness by getting rest, stretching and using items like my wrist wraps during exercises that use my problem areas (i.e. my right wrist).

Yes these are fitness essentials for me lol!

Another fitness essential (& I mean essential) for me are my graphic shirts!!  I HAVE to wear a graphic shirt whenever I workout.. Okay I'm exaggerating a little but I wear a graphic shirt 99% of the time.  And what's crazier is that although I have enough graphic workout shirts to wear once a month I tend to wear the same few (based on my mood) lol!  I keep inspiration all around me anyway so I think that's why I love wearing a graphic shirt.  I'm not telling you it is necessary but it is an essential for me:)

Here's the reality on fitness essentials: You can purchase every gadget, top of the line equipment, or the best running shoes but the truth is none of these things will help you on your fitness journey unless you do the work.  What are your fitness essentials?


Seasoned with Grace,

Monday, February 2, 2015

But WHY?!

We're in the second month of the year now and before we know it, we'll be in the six month of the year!  If you made resolutions or if you have any goals for the year are you still working towards those goal or have you already lost steam?  Are you as passionate about them like you were at the beginning of the year or when you first made the goal?

My gym has been encouraging us for almost two months now to focus on our 'why' and make sure our 'why' is strong enough.  My former personal trainer (in my head lol), Jillian Michaels said 'if your why is strong enough you can overcome any how'!  So I'm asking is your 'why' strong enough?!

There is one thing in common in the above three pictures of myself.  I made a goal to lose weight because I really wanted to lose weight!  I'm smiling so hard in these pics because I did lose some weight!!  However all three times (the years ranging from 2009-2011) I gained the weight I loss back and in some cases I gained more weight back!  The one thing in common was my 'why' (that I reeeeaaaallly wanted to lose weight) wasn't strong enough - it was plain old weak!  I mean there are a lot of people who want to lose weight!  If you would have asked me during those times 'why' I  really wanted to lose weight I might have responded with, 'I want to fit into my clothes' or something like that but that's not even strong enough because at the end of the day I could have bought  bigger clothes!  A generic 'why' is like responding to your child with 'because I said so' lol!  You know they are going to keep asking 'but why mommy'!!  I did not dig deep enough.

With any goal you set, make sure you dig deep and make your why strong.  It has to be authentic and personal for you!  Did you make a goal to go back to school?  Why do you want to go back to school?  That 'why' has to be so strong that when classes starts getting harder or when you can't really afford to just go to school or when the schedule is difficult to maintain that you will keep going!  You will remember why you started and press on.  Your 'why' for this goal shouldn't just be 'I want to make more money'.  There are plenty of ways to make more money.. but why do you want to make your money?!  It shouldn't just be 'I want to better myself' I mean who doesn't want to better themselves?!  Make sure your 'why' is personal, specific, and strong!

'I don't understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it...' - Romans 7:15, NLT

Even when your why is strong, be prepared to fight for what you desire.  Goals require change and let's face it, most of us do not like change!  Goals also require discipline and that word alone makes a lot of us cringe!  A strong 'why' will help you in your battle.  When I started this blog my 'why' was crystal clear however I have not been consistent with posting.  I've had to revisit my 'why' and remember why I even started this!  So now, when I see that only 25 people read a particular post instead of getting discouraged and not posting I will write on because my 'why' is not attached to numbers.  Make sure you revisit your 'why' and revise it if necessary.   When things get difficult or when you don't think you are making progress go back and focus on your 'why'!  If your 'why' is strong enough you should be reenergized to keep moving forward!

Whatever your goal is (health, entrepreneurship, making more money, going back to school, being a better parent/spouse/person) make sure your 'why' is strong!


Seasoned with Grace,