Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Strengthen Your Core

A lot of people immediately associate core strength with abs however core strength is so much more than that!  Our core is made up of 29 muscles!!  A strong core can help us with everyday activities and protect us from injuries.  Fitness experts say our arms, legs, and head all rely on our core for support and balance which is why most believe these muscles are probably the most important muscle group in our bodies! (source)  

I started researching this topic last week after doing L-sits (which I have to modify) during a workout at my gym.  I thought to myself I am not good with any core exercises!  I mean, I literally struggle with any core exercise...  I thought about the 'rock and roll squat' exercise in one of Jillian Michaels DVDs that I could not get (SN: I tried to do a couple while writing this and could only do one without almost falling)!!  While doing this research I've found that building a strong core is important for everyone, not just for those who workout.  Simply put, everything we do- sitting, standing, tying our shoes and more activates our core!  We should all aim to strengthen our core.

There are many exercises that can be performed daily to build our core.  We have to think beyond crunches which really is not a core building exercise!  A good area to start on is your posture.  If you don't already, always hold your stomach in!  This is actually something I think all women learn at an early age but doing this actually helps our posture and strengthen our core.  Planks, hollow holds, and supermans (as pictured above) are all great core strengthening exercises that can be performed daily.  You can probably tell from my form how much I struggle with these!  In addition to these, push-ups, bridges, & v-ups are also great exercises that strengthen our core.  Consistently performing these exercises will work our entire core and will lead to a strong core.  Having a strong core will help prevent injuries when we perform other exercises like running as it will act as a shock absorber (source)!

"The Central Most Important Part of Something"

First natural then spiritual (in my Bishop's voice)!  As you strengthen the core of your body also strengthen the core of your faith. If you exercise often you know to always stay aware of your core because it helps your form.  It is the same spiritually!  Engage your core by praying, reading the Bible, spending quiet time with God!  As we strengthen our physical core we have better stability when performing exercises and as we strengthen our spiritual core, we'll have greater stability in life; allowing us not to be blown around with every wind!!  


Seasoned with Grace,


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