Monday, February 2, 2015

But WHY?!

We're in the second month of the year now and before we know it, we'll be in the six month of the year!  If you made resolutions or if you have any goals for the year are you still working towards those goal or have you already lost steam?  Are you as passionate about them like you were at the beginning of the year or when you first made the goal?

My gym has been encouraging us for almost two months now to focus on our 'why' and make sure our 'why' is strong enough.  My former personal trainer (in my head lol), Jillian Michaels said 'if your why is strong enough you can overcome any how'!  So I'm asking is your 'why' strong enough?!

There is one thing in common in the above three pictures of myself.  I made a goal to lose weight because I really wanted to lose weight!  I'm smiling so hard in these pics because I did lose some weight!!  However all three times (the years ranging from 2009-2011) I gained the weight I loss back and in some cases I gained more weight back!  The one thing in common was my 'why' (that I reeeeaaaallly wanted to lose weight) wasn't strong enough - it was plain old weak!  I mean there are a lot of people who want to lose weight!  If you would have asked me during those times 'why' I  really wanted to lose weight I might have responded with, 'I want to fit into my clothes' or something like that but that's not even strong enough because at the end of the day I could have bought  bigger clothes!  A generic 'why' is like responding to your child with 'because I said so' lol!  You know they are going to keep asking 'but why mommy'!!  I did not dig deep enough.

With any goal you set, make sure you dig deep and make your why strong.  It has to be authentic and personal for you!  Did you make a goal to go back to school?  Why do you want to go back to school?  That 'why' has to be so strong that when classes starts getting harder or when you can't really afford to just go to school or when the schedule is difficult to maintain that you will keep going!  You will remember why you started and press on.  Your 'why' for this goal shouldn't just be 'I want to make more money'.  There are plenty of ways to make more money.. but why do you want to make your money?!  It shouldn't just be 'I want to better myself' I mean who doesn't want to better themselves?!  Make sure your 'why' is personal, specific, and strong!

'I don't understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it...' - Romans 7:15, NLT

Even when your why is strong, be prepared to fight for what you desire.  Goals require change and let's face it, most of us do not like change!  Goals also require discipline and that word alone makes a lot of us cringe!  A strong 'why' will help you in your battle.  When I started this blog my 'why' was crystal clear however I have not been consistent with posting.  I've had to revisit my 'why' and remember why I even started this!  So now, when I see that only 25 people read a particular post instead of getting discouraged and not posting I will write on because my 'why' is not attached to numbers.  Make sure you revisit your 'why' and revise it if necessary.   When things get difficult or when you don't think you are making progress go back and focus on your 'why'!  If your 'why' is strong enough you should be reenergized to keep moving forward!

Whatever your goal is (health, entrepreneurship, making more money, going back to school, being a better parent/spouse/person) make sure your 'why' is strong!


Seasoned with Grace,

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