Living a healthy lifestyle does not start in a gym, with a special nutrition plan, or on a scale. It all starts withIN your mind and spirit! Think about it, if living a healthy lifestyle was all about a gym or a perfect nutrition program most people would be healthy! People would not only lose weight but keep it off. That is not the case. According to an article in Shape Magazine, "More than 95 percent of people who lose weight - no matter how they lose it - put most or all of the pounds back on and more than 65 percent of Americans are currently considered overweight or obese." That article could not answer why so many people regain weight or why so many people are obese but I believe it is because people do not start the real workout or the real nutrition plan that all starts on the inside. I use this concept of work.IN.out in my ebook where it's all about working on the inside and applying it to the outside.
Today let's just focus on workIN the mind.
"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think..." - Romans 12:2
Work.In.Out - Mind
We've all read it or heard it before, 'you are what you think'! I know this first hand!! When you exercise your mind (daily) & get rid of cant's & doubt (daily) living a healthy lifestyle will become natural. You have to start with your mind. When I first started working out every time I felt tired or when a workout was hard I used to say to myself 'I can do all things through Christ' so that I would not stop. I had to talk to my mind and convince it to keep going otherwise I would have stopped well before taking my body to its limit. So many people do not go to the gym because of their thinking, are not eating healthy because of their thinking, and so many people are limiting their workouts because of their thinking. Think yourself healthy!
When you fall, convince your mind to try again!
When Your Mind Says Can't
In the pic above I tried this higher plyo box (I believe it's 24inches). It took me what seemed to be a long time to convince myself to just jump. Once I finally convinced myself I was able to do it 14 times! On the 15th time my foot hit the box and I almost fell on my face! During a later workout there were box jumps included and I used the box I normally use with no issues but guess what?! I had to convince myself to jump on that box!! When we fail or make a mistake our mind might try to convince us that we cannot achieve it but we have to tell it we CAN do it.
Unhealthy thinking is dangerous!
When Your Mind Plays Tricks on You
Someone I know who lost a significant amount of weight still sometimes refer to themselves as fat! It is crazy how healthy people who workout hard view themselves differently. This is directly attached to how we think! If we do not workIN our mind daily it takes a while for it to catch up with what's going on outside of us. If we never address it could lead to giving up and other unhealthy behaviors. I recently experienced this because I was so focused on my outer appearance. Last year I had a huge transformation and I thought by now I'd be this lean chick but I'm no where near the picture I had in mind of myself! Realizing the road I was heading down and had to regroup and remember the purpose of why I even started this healthy lifestyle journey. Regrouping has helped me to appreciate where I am! Although the progress I've made this year is not visual like last year's progress, it is still progress!Before starting a healthy lifestyle remind yourself everyday that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. It doesn't matter if you are considered obese by society, focus on the truth of who you are.
When Your Mind Says it's Hard, Start Later
The perfect time to start a healthy lifestyle is n:ow! The perfect time to increase your run or use heavier weight is now. Everyday we should challenge ourselves. Of course it will be hard but we are stronger than we think. You see me quote it all the time, 'When you change the way you look at things, the things you lQQk at change. Everyday workIN your mind and get rid of thoughts that does not belong. Take action on those new thoughts now knowing that God will give you the strength you need!
This post is dedicated to my sister who is thinking her way healthy!
There is no workout, meal plan, or any healthy choice that is more challenging than the mind workIN! That is where the real work takes place. Each day affirm who you are and what you can do according to the Word! Do not let your current situation or any failures define who you are or what you can do. Your life can change if you believe! Let's experience true health by work.IN.out!
Seasoned with Grace,