Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

I don't know about all of you but I can use a new chapter, a new beginning, and/or a fresh start and this is all wrapped up in the start of a new year!  Hello 2015!!  There are many people who knock others who choose to make a change at the beginning of the year but I find it is a great time to make a change.  A new year just symbolizes change so why not?!

2014 was a year of g-r-o-w-t-h for me and my family!  We had so many challenges (many brought on by bad decisions) but I can't even complain.  As I reflect on all of the trials, the issues, and even my dad passing away all I can say is Thank YOU Father!  Thank YOU for shaping me, molding me, and growing me.  I'm so grateful.  2014 reminded me once again that living life on purpose is what I should aim to do every single day.

My vision for 2015 is a simple one and has everything to do with having a heart to serve.  In fact, my theme is Serve Others More!  One of the many things I learned in 2014 is that when you give out of need or when you help someone when you need help or encourage someone when you're down it blesses you!  The best way I can describe it is to use President Obama quote: "The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don't wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope."  

What are your goals this year?  All of us want to live our best life; full of health and wealth!  I challenge you to not focus all of your attention on yourself and your family.  When we walk in the purpose of God, it's not about us anyway!  Let's be intentional about serving because that is what we are called to do.  I want to hear God say, "Well done, thy good and faithful servant" and I'm sure you want to hear Him say that as well.

Happy New Year from my family to yours.

“What you are doing I cannot do, what I’m doing you cannot do, but together we are doing something beautiful for God, and this is the greatness of God’s love for us...
-Mother Teresa, From Where There is Love, There is God

Seasoned with Grace,

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