Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I just cannot believe we are already in November!!  (SN: My baby turns 13 this month :D) This is the month of GREATfulness: great thanks, great food, great family fun so let's make this month GREAT by just saying no!

What do you need to say no to? What are some habits you have that is preventing you from being your best self? Is it procrastination, complaining, doubting, making excuses and/or putting limits on yourself? All of these characteristics can block our blessings! Let's say NO to these things so that we can finish 2014 strong!

No Procrastination

I believe I've shared with y'all before that one of the last prayers my mom prayed over me was about procrastinating!! Seriously. It was so easy for me to say 'I'll do it later' as if I have all the time in the world!! This bad habit has hindered so much but I'm thankful to say that her prayer is working! EVERY TIME, I think to myself I'll do it later I feel a nudge in my spirit that says no do it now. 

What are you putting off? The time is n:ow, not later. Do those hard things, do those scary things, do those necessary things n:ow. It becomes easier (or maybe you're just getting better) the more you do things instead of putting them off. Say NO to procrastination.

No Complaining

We can be anything we want to be in the world but the one thing we should never be is ungrateful! Complaining leads to ungratefulness. Have you ever been around a person who complained ALL of the time? It's the worst isn't it?! At some point you tune them out or better yet avoid them. I pray you're not that person! Start making it a habit of counting your blessings & stop counting your issues or what you don't have. When you look at all you have to be grateful for you won't have time to complain. This is Thanksgiving month so give thanks not complaints. This month let your spouse, kids, family, or friends know how grateful you are for them instead of fussing or complaining all of the time.

No Doubting

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." I pray against the spirit of doubt and fear right now. I'm so sick and tired of experiencing doubt in my life and if you're battling with it I'm sure you're sick and tired of it too! God said in His word:   For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7 GNB). So let's trust God and act on the spirit He put in us. He also said GREATer is He that is in us than he (doubt, fear, insecurity) that is in the world. Do you believe? Do you have faith? Well let's act on that this month and ensure our actions match what we say we believe! Continue putting forth effort towards your goals & your dreams.

No Excuses

"Excuses are useless, results are priceless." You're either doing it or you're not... There is no such thing as trying! Stop with the 'I was going to' or 'I tried but' or any of those half hearted useless excuses! Yes it's hard, yes your past is horrible, yes you've failed before, yes no one is supporting you, yes you don't have all the resources but guess what??!! Our God is greater than all of that! I'm not saying don't acknowledge those issues. I'm saying don't let those issues keep you stagnant! No mater how bad it is it's just an excuse to not move forward. 

You said you want to lose weight- just do it.  You want to be an entrepreneur- just be it. You want to write a book- just write it. You want to be a better person- just be it. You might be asking 'how do I just do/be it'?! Stop making excuses and start taking action right where you are!

No Limits

You can probably remember the limits that were put on you from childhood! 'Don't do that, you might hurt yourself' or something like that!  I have to catch myself all the time because I do it often with my sons (& yes even my grown son). Limiting ourselves is an ingrained habit that we need to work on breaking every single day!! Each goal we achieve should be a signal to raise the bar not to sit back & relax. What is your biggest dream? Go make it bigger! We can do so much more than our imagination. Let's start pushing those limits. Think of something that seems impossible for you to work on this month.

Let's make NOvember g~r~e~a~t by using that powerful word no, starting n:ow! Say it with me 'Yes I Can'! 

Seasoned with Grace,

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