Saturday, August 16, 2014

What Are You Doing?

How many times are we asked this question and we downplay what we are actually doing?  I drafted this post a month ago and was reminded about it when someone asked me on Instagram what I did for a living.  I thought about responding that I'm unemployed right not but immediately corrected myself!  I responded,  'I encourage, edify, & exhort people to live their best lives by making healthy living (inside & out) a priority'.  I will always keep this in mind, even as I start my job search because that is what I will always do as it is a part of my purpose.

There have been too many times I've responded with 'the same ole, same ole' or 'nothing much' when asked what I've been up to lately, when I really should respond with: I'm Unapologetically Pursuing Purpose, I'm living my best life and inspiring others to do the same.  I'm letting my light shine, building my confidence, working on being bold, appreciating life... Okay so that would be way too lengthy but you get the point.  We can miss our blessing by downplaying what we're doing.  We can miss an opportunity to encourage others by not sharing what we're doing.  You don't have to go into specifics unless it's someone in your circle who will help hold you accountable!  

This could really be another post.. not everyone is for you so be selective with who you share your dreams/plans with!

So what are you doing?  Whatever it is I pray that it is attached to your purpose!  If you haven't discovered your purpose, I must agree with T. D. Jakes - you will find it in your passion.  What are you passionate about?  What do love doing and would even do it for free?  Whatever that is; do that, be that and live that!  I have always been an encourager and last year when I started my weight-loss journey I discovered my passion for all things health and wellness.  Join the two together and once again you will see that I encourage, edify, & exhort people to live their best lives by making healthy living (inside & out) a priority! 

What have you been up to?

Seasoned with Grace,

Monday, August 11, 2014

Can God Trust You With a Little Trouble

During a sermon a few weeks or so ago my Bishop asked, 'can God trust you with a little trouble?' & I immediately thought about everything I'd been going through and wondered had I been trustworthy of these troubles. Have my responses to the trouble in my life given Him glory?

How do you know if you're handling the rough season well? My mom was a perfect example. I often think about her when I want to complain about the issues in y life. Throughout her battle with metastatic breast cancer she NEVER complained. I'll never forget when she told me 'I was trying to have a pity party, I had to fight that devil off' & this was after the doctor told her that the cancer spread to her brain!! 
My mom praying and holding the Word!

Here are tips I've gleaned from my mom's life:

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. (‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ NLT)

Give thanks!  I used to watch my mom handle her pain by singing songs of praise! What a response!!  If she was able to respond to that physical excruciating pain with praise, how can I be a wimp about temporary troubles?!  We know all things work together for our good (even though it may not feel good at the time) so why not be thankful?! Complaining doesn't help the situation and it definitely doesn't help you. Remember, 'this too shall pass' and just be grateful.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. (‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭33‬ NLT)

Seek Him First!  There was a time I'd roll my eyes because my mom literally would have us pray about everything!! Now I'm grateful for this. It's easy to turn to loved ones or try to figure things out on our own but our first response should always be to seek God first through prayer and His Word. Thank Him then ask Him to order your steps.

In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. (‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ NLT)

Keep shining! Every time my mom shared a room with someone in the hospital or at Heartland she kept her neighbor in mind.  If someone came to pray for her she'd ask them to pray for her neighbor.  Now here she is in need but she always put others before her.  When trouble comes it can be difficult to stay positive, to keep giving, to keep doing & to keep shining in general. Don't ever stop being your best self and walking in purpose.  Put your best foot forward, give more, do more, & shine brighter. 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. (‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬ NLT)

Trust Him! If you're thanking Him, seeking Him, & shining for Him it will make it easier to trust Him!! Trust the fact that God is perfecting you. Trust that you will come out better just like you've come out better before. Trust His timing.  Trust His will and His Word!  The more we trust God, the more He can trust us with trouble!

Whatever your trouble might be  Lets grow through.

Seasoned with Grace,


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Unplug to Plug In

Hello and Happy Sunday!!

For the last three and a half long days I've unplugged from social media and for the most part my cell phone in general.  I did this after a few comments from my husband like, 'you have that phone in your hand a whole lot'!  At first I got defensive because in my mind I consciously limit the time I'm on Instagram (my favorite social media outlet) while he is here because he travels for work. So here I am thinking I limit my time for him & he's not appreciative!!  That was this past Wednessday so I decided for the remainder of that day I was not going on Instagram or Facebook. 

Us that afternoon sweating it out. #herzadia

I can't tell you how many times that afternoon I went to pick up my phone or thought about checking my phone!  It was so eye opening for me that I decided to unplug for three days.  Now some of you might be saying three days is not long but it was for me!!  Even though I have a laptop and an iPad I use my phone like a computer because it's so convenient! I use the notes section throughout the day (I have like 15 drafted blogposts in my notes section, paragraphs for my ebook, quotes I've thought of, things I need to do).  All of our appointments are contained there but yes who am I kidding.. I use it mainly for Instagram!!  

This challenge to myself reminded me of one of my goals this year to be present.  How can I be present and enjoy the moment if I'm constantly checking my phone for updates?  Since my husband is not connected and doesn't have this issue, I challenged my sons to join in!  It was so funny because they were like what are we going to do?  My oldest was like what about when I'm on break at work.  I said pray, he laughed!!  I said oh you don't pray?!  He said mom I pray all the time, God please don't let this officer give me a speeding ticket!!  I'm like no pray for others or walk or just spend quiet time! Okay I was being too deep again but we also enjoyed fun things we like to do.. Of course exercise will always be involved and my youngest even got a chance to sit (& I only mean sit) behind the wheel of a car!  My oldest (who is working on building his muscles) didn't think he could do more than one chin up but surprised himself!!

Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray. - Mark 1:35

If Jesus needed to unplug you know all of us need to unplug too!!  So I challenge all of you too!  I challenge everyone: all faiths, believers, unbelievers, young, seasoned, singles, families, and any other category!  Maybe you need to unplug in the morning.  Do you find yourself running late because you're so busy checking for updates?  Maybe you need to unplug in the evening.  Do you spend enough time with your family at night?  Are you staying up too late because you're busy checking status updates or checking emails or surfing the internet?  Maybe you need to unplug for a day or more.  Do you find yourself relying on social media for inspiration?  It's easy to look for inspiration or aim to be an inspiration to others and social media is a perfect outlet but it shouldn't be the only outlet.

I challenge all of you to unplug and get plugged in to what really matters.  Refresh yourself, get peace, be inspired, connect with your family all while being present and unplugged from social media, your cell phone, TV, email, or surfing the internet.

Here's the #unplugtoplugin challenge: 
1. Unplug from social media, watching TV, checking emails, &/or internet surfing
2. Specify an amount of time (you choose, make sure it's challenging.. for some that could be as little as an hour)
3. When you've completed your unplug to plug in challenge use #unplugtoplugin on Instagram &/or Facebook to share your experience then challenge others!
4. Aim to do it at least once a month or as often as needed

Are y'all in? Sunday is a perfect day to unplug... "A Sunday well spent brings a week of content" #letsgetit

Seasoned with Grace,