Friday, July 4, 2014

Faith It Until You Make It

The viral video that we all need to watch over again!

Happy Friday!!  Let's call it FaithFriday or hmmm.. FlexFaithFriday :)  It is a challenge to walk by faith when our current circumstance makes us want to lose faith.  I know for me, smiling through the storm or the appearance that I have it all together can make me feel like I'm fronting but the truth is I'm 'faithing' (yes I just made that up lol).  I'm walking by faith, reflecting what I desire, acting like I've already made it because I know that God's plan for me is one of hope, prosperity, and wholeness.  Besides, I am responsible for my faith.  You are responsible for your faith too!

Like Oprah said, you are responsible for your life.  The thoughts you think, the choices you make, the steps you take (or don't take) is up to you.  No one can think, choose, or take steps for you.  No one can believe for you.  What are your dreams?  Whatever they are faith it til you make it and keep moving until they're manifested.  Live the life you've imagined NOW.  Don't wait!  You have everything you need at this very moment to live on purpose.  Walk by faith, see yourself as the person you want to be and act accordingly.


Seasoned with Grace,


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Unapologetically Pursuing Purpose

"You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously." - Steve Maraboli

Are you pursuing {chasing, following, engaging, striving to accomplish) your purpose?  You know, the very reason you are here today.  That yearning that was put in you before you were even in your mother's womb!  Are you exploring that thing that nags you or that thing that tugs at your heart?  Do you question why you have certain desires?  Some of which that may seem crazy?  All of this is attached to your purpose!!  

"Purpose isn't easy.  Purpose will challenge you." 
- Toure' Roberts

Think about early inventors like Thomas Edison.  What if he didn't explore the thought he had that there might be a better way to have light?  Well of course eventually someone else would have had the same idea, had the courage to explore it and would have achieved that invention.  That's a great example however it's the little things that become great as well!  That thought or desire you have to start your business or go back to school will have the same impact to those around you!  It's challenging to go after your purpose because doing so can make you feel like a fish out of water but accept the challenge!  Walk in faith, walk in who you were meant to be, do those things you were meant to accomplish.  In the end you will win so go for it!

I'm reading a booked called Purpose Awakening by Toure' Roberts and it has truly been a blessing to me and my desire to live with intention!  In the book Roberts says, "Sometimes the things you wish you could change about yourself is the thing God will use to set you on high".  I used to absolutely hate the fact that I am kind and I care too much.  I mean, seriously hate it!  I wanted to be the type of person that will go off on someone in a minute.  You know the people who 'don't take no mess' from anyone!  But that's just not who I am and if I tried to be that person I would never fulfill my purpose.  It took me too long to accept the fact that I am kind, empathetic, nurturing and that I'm like this on purpose!  God made me this way so that I can be the encourager.

In that same chapter (chapter 6) Roberts went on to say, "You were made different to make a difference"!  Have you accepted your uniqueness?  Are you sharpening your uniqueness?  Don't try to fit in or fit the mold you think you need to fit.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made!  Accept it and walk in it.

"Your distinction is the brand that heaven has ordained for you, and when you start embracing it, others will follow suit." - Toure' Roberts

So are you down with U.P.P.?  How are you Unapologetically Pursuing your Purpose?  Make sure this second half of 2014 is purposeful!  Six months down, six months to go.

Seasoned with Grace,